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Green Certificates
Reduction of indirect greenhouse gas emissions through the purchase of "green" certificates.
Kofemania: From December 2021 to July 2022, Kofemania restaurants fully offset the carbon footprint of each cup of coffee and coffee beverage sold in their restaurants by using electricity from renewable energy sources. This was the first initiative of its kind among Russian restaurant companies.
Cases and effects:
SPB Exchange: The trading organizer purchased green energy certificates, allowing them to offset about 50% of their electricity consumption in 2022, thereby reducing their carbon footprint. Additionally, in January 2024, the exchange conducted its first issuance of digital rights in its information system, enabling the acquisition of green certificates and services for their subsequent redemption or alternative monetary claims. The issuer of the first digital rights release in the SPB Exchange information system was Carbon Zero.
Company Carbon Zero provides brokerage and consulting services in the market of green certificates (I-REC GO), contracts with renewable energy sources, and carbon units. The company is based in Russia.